Chabad Seminaries to Delay Acceptance Due to Coronavirus

Due to the much uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, Chabad seminaries around the world are delaying the acceptance process for the 5781 academic year until Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

By reporter

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread in the United States Europe unabated, Chabad seminaries around the world have signed this joint letter as a show of Achdus during these difficult times. It has now been sent to all Chabad high schools around the world.

Yom Habahir Bais Nissan 5780
Dear 12th graders Shetichyu
We hope you and your families are keeping safe and healthy in this difficult matzav.

These are times of great uncertainty, times when we need to strengthen our Emunah and Bitachon and our understanding of what Hakadosh Boruch Hu expects of us.

As many of you are going through difficult times at home and in your communities, the Chabad seminaries have determined that the responsible course of action is to delay the acceptance process for the 5781 academic year, until Rosh Chodesh Iyar IYH, in order to give students and their families time to make decisions in what we hope and pray will be a calmer and healthier environment.

The above decision has been endorsed by the Chabad high schools around the world.

While we know that this prolongs the wait for anxious 12 Graders, we hope this will lead to better outcomes for everyone.

Wishing you all much Hatzlacha and look forward to sharing Besuros Tovos
A Freilichen Chodesh and a healthy Kosher and Freilichen Pesach

Mrs Chitrik – Bais Chana
Rabbi Tenenbaum – Ohel Chana
Mrs Goldshmidt – Yerushalayim
Rabbi Lebovics – Florida
Mrs Gorowitz – Bais Rivkah
Rabbi Hordiner – Tzohar
Mrs Rabinowitz – Bina
Mrs Wilschansky – Milan
Mrs Brand – Montreal
Mrs Kornhauser – Merkoz

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