Chabad Principals to Unite in Preparation for 11 Nissan

As we approach the huge milestone of 120 years of the Rebbe’s life, principals from Chabad schools across the globe will be holding a virtual gathering to plan a gift for the Rebbe.

As we approach the huge milestone of 120 years of the Rebbe’s life, principals from Chabad schools across the globe are thinking what they can we do to give the gift the Rebbe wants most.

Tzivos Hashem has arranged, as in previous years, that all schools will be joining together to give a present from all the Rebbes children around the world. The gift project will be launched at the Tzivos Hashem Yud Shevat Rally.

Over the past 13 years this gift has grown from 9,000 lines to 1,600,0000 lines. IYH this year we will give the greatest gift ever.

To properly plan the school’s gift, principals from around the world will be joining a zoom conference at the beginning of the week for this initiative to be launched properly in the schools.

We look forward to working together with you and all the principals of every lubavitcher school world wide.

Im yirtzeh Hashem, when we present this gift on Yud Aleph Nissan in the Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi, the principals will stand proud on the side of their chayolim,” Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum of Tzivos Hashem HQ said.

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