In a groundbreaking milestone, a group of Chabad Chassidim printed the Sefer HaTanya for the very first time on Syrian soil. The printing took place near the base of Mount Hermon, recently secured by the IDF after the collapse of the Syrian regime.
In a groundbreaking milestone, a group of shluchim and anash successfully printed the Sefer HaTanya for the very first time on Syrian soil. The printing took place near the base of Mount Hermon, recently secured by the IDF after the collapse of the Syrian regime.
Rabbi Shalom Ber Hertzel, a shliach to the Golan Heights, remarked “For the first time ever, we have opened a Chabad House branch in Syria.” Organized by Ezer LaChayal under the direction of Rabbi Eliyahu Gutman, the project was carried out in collaboration with Rabbi Hertzel and a dedicated group of anash, creating a moment of immense nachas ruach for the Rebbe.
The participants in this extraordinary endeavor included Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Peles, his son Reb Mendy Peles, Reb Shmuel Gerberchik, Reb Menashe Altahuis, Reb Elimelech Weisberg, and Reb Mendy Gerberchik.
This achievement echoes a historic precedent during the First Lebanon War, when the Rebbe instructed Chassidim to print the Sefer HaTanya in Beirut. That printing was accomplished with tremendous self-sacrifice, and a copy was sent to the Rebbe as an expression of dedication.