Chabad Bochurim Bring Tefillin to Unexpected Protester

In an unusual encounter, Chabad Bochurim find a Jewish man at a ‘pro-Palestine’ march on October 7th in New York and wraps him in Tefillin whilst walking backwards in sync with the flow of the march.

By reporter

As Jews and supporters around the world commemorated the first anniversary of the tragic events of October 7th, pro-terror demonstrations once again made their way through the streets of central New York.

Unfortunately, it is sadly not uncommon to see a few Jews participating in these “pro-Palestine” protests. Yet, undeterred by the atmosphere, a group of Chabad Bochurim made their way to the demonstration, seeking out fellow Jews to offer the opportunity to put on Tefillin.

In a now-viral video clip, the Bochurim approached a man wearing a yarmulke and a keffiyeh, signalling that he was likely Jewish. After confirming that he was, the Bochurim wasted no time. While keeping up with the moving protest, they managed to wrap Tefillin on him, walking backwards to stay in sync with the march.

The video has garnered widespread attention, with many praising Chabad for their unwavering commitment to reaching out to Jews wherever they may be, and for making a powerful Kiddush Hashem in the process.

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  1. With all due respect, if a person is only willing to have tefillin put on as he marches (for whatsoever reason it is for) that is not respectful to the mitzvah of Tefillin.
    Mivtzaim should have its limits to conforming with the spirit of the halacha.

    1. You mention “the spirit of the halacha.” Do you have an actual source that there’s something disrespectful to the tefillin o put them on under such conditions, or is it simply your personal gut feeling?

      1. The wording I chose was “spirit of the Halacha” a poor translation of רוח ההלכה.
        The reason is one should ask oneself – are we honoring this most lofty mitzvah of Tefillin in such a setting? Yes, there can be a problem with kevanah on the bracha and kevanah of the mitzvah. (See the Piskei siddur of the Alter Rebbe where there it says integrel kevanah one must have when donning. Tefillin. The Bach writes strong words in Orach Chayim siman 25 about one who does not have kevanah when donnig Tefillin.)
        Another issue is can the Tefillin be properly donned kehalacha while someone is marching ? My assumption is this would present a great challenge. This matter is מעכב essential.
        There can also be an issue with making a hefek (interruption) between the bracha and the act- potentially.

        Certainly it would not be ideal to run into these challenges just because someone chooses to make their provocative statements to March with many vile individuals. At least to my opinion.
        I will note that even if one chooses the approach of daring Mivtzaim activities, I don’t think they should all be posted in limelight of social media. Following the concept הלכה ואין מורין כן

  2. With no respect for this shameful Sinas Chinom, I must clarify to you that the whole purpose of Mivtzoyim is to help other’s fulfill Halacha. The Bochur put Tefillin on this man. It’s clear Halacha that a Jewish man must put on Tefilin.
    As the rebbe advised others commenting with such absurd arguments, I advice you to check your tefilin.

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