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Camp L’man Achai, a Chabad-run overnight camp for boys that are new to practical observance of Yiddishkeit, was hosted on Monday by Camp Gan Yisroel in Parksville.
Some 85-90 boys attend each of the sessions of the camp in upstate Andes, NY, now in its 20th season there, with a total of 160 boys attending the sessions this summer. Most of the boys are recommended by their local shluchim.
The day was truly a day of Achdus. All CLA campers participated.
After making the trip from Andes, Camp L’man Achai was welcomed by the CGI director Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov.
First there was a carnival. Great fun for all! At lunch, boys from CLA shared their experiences. Some of them are the only Jew in their town or school. Then CGI campers who are also shluchim’s kids and may be the only frum Jew in town, also spoke.
The following CLA campers spoke: Simon from Lund, Sweden, Adam from Temecula, CA, and Alex from Markham, Ontario.
Following lunch there was a CLA vs. CGI activity. Then came a game show, where the questions were general Jewish topics. The day closed with a BMX bike show for all campers. The CGI campers made a smashing kiddush Hashem and showed their CLA counterparts that being frum can be fun too!
Special thanks to CGI Head Counselor Avremy Barron and CLA Head Counselors Schneur Wechter and Levi Majers for arranging the event.
Photo credit: Shmuel Stock