Canadian MP Proud to Put On Tefillin

After putting tefillin on with bochurim every Friday for four years, MP Michael Levitt decided to share his experience on social media as a response to the uptick in antisemitism.   

By: reporter

Every Friday, Bochurim Dovid Weiss and Nochum Plotkin of Mesivta Lubavitch in Toronto, visit Michael Levitt, a member of the Canadian Parliament, to put on Tefillin and share a Dvar Torah.

While these weekly meetings are usually a private affair, with the recent uptick in antisemitism, the MP has decided to share this publicly on all his social media platforms. Writing that it is important that we embrace our Jewishness and celebrate it openly whenever we can.

The MP shared the following message on his Facebook page:

“For the past four years, like clockwork every Friday afternoon, I am visited by the wonderful students from Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto, a local yeshiva. Rain or shine, they come by to lay tefillin and discuss the upcoming parsha. I have never before shared this very personal experience but given the current rise in antisemitism, I think it’s important that we embrace our Jewishness and celebrate it openly whenever we can. Shabbat shalom. #JewishandProud”[0]=68.ARBxXJ_CsyYEwH7P6v0fLersCW9h2TUGqvGuoVc5Cqeji04dCGeh3KsbrGP34JwQ6uUjaoBS9NwdHqgvrOduJrXN6OngCDe0cIA1yx_Pc8OOnW8lZ9ur_bwQhk6H4-ymrDZ9gF_FGBa8t7OoRQZ8pAd293k-OniQ79-zWxEIKje6zE8V2m9Ey-Iv9Zzwrgv5M-_n5jiB8SRqOBrxBJibLcv63PHPD0Hd7JoTuHJB9Cnd4K0KKSDzRaKBOpTrQgc9YUqbDBn8tDS_bjWfK3SnRw00svy6W5E9tFw9bYa3THtkSBhs1kkxtKhGDRGF-9mJ4pbq8DVp-0ziokhWG5YOqe7WNA&__tn__=-R

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