Gan Yisroel Detroit campers took a historic tour of the Frierdike Rebbe’s 5690/1930 visit to the Detroit Jewish Community.
In honor of Yud Beis Tammuz, and 90 years since the Frierdiker Rebbe’s visit to the city of Detroit, Camp Gan Yisroel Detroit Boys Camp, toured the historic Jewish areas in downtown Detroit, led by the Shliach to Downtown Detroit, Rabbi Yisrael Pinson.
Starting at the train station where the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived, the campers moved on to the Taylor Street Shul, using the exact route the Frierdiker Rebbe used. They stood on the balcony from which the Friediker Rebbe addressed the thousands who had assembled on the streets around.
From there they continued to the house where the Frierdiker Rebbe stayed during his visit, and where he recited the Maamar “Rebbe Omer“. Then, to the site of the former Mishkan Yisroel shul, now a deserted building, where the Frierdiker Rebbe spoke, and the Nusach HaAri shul, now a basketball court, where the Frierdiker Rebbe farbrenged in honor of Beis Iyar.
The tour concluded with a Yud Beis Tamuz Farbrengen on the lawn of Chabad of greater Detroit.
A very special thank you to Detroit Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Pinson and family, for hosting Gan Yisroel at their Chabad House, and devoting the afternoon providing us this special tour.
A special Kovetz was printed for this tour, with newspaper articles, diaries, and original pictures from this historic visit of 1930.