Buy a Helmet – Save a Soldier’s Life!

Mrs. Bruria Efune, author of the daily war updates column enjoyed by thousands of readers daily, has a personal request to help out a family friend who is leading a unit of combat engineering soldiers inside Gaza.

By Bruria Efune

Our friend, Ezzy Morgenstern, is leading his unit of combat engineering soldiers inside Gaza. They’re a group of kindhearted men; reservists with families at home. Ezzy himself has a wife and bundle of children who have been waiting for 83 days for him to return in safety. These soldiers don’t want to be at war, but they are there to protect us, and keep our nation safe.

The past couple months, and past weeks in particular, have been extremely difficult for them. They’ve seen the worst of what war has to offer, and not all of them survived.

Unfortunately, Ezzy’s unit does not have protective helmets. Due to a logistics and supply shortage, they were given old and outdated ones. These helmets can easily be pierced by the new Iranian bullets, which Hamas terrorists are now firing. There are newer helmets which can protect them, and prevent casualties.

The newer helmets each cost around $400, a price that goes up and down, depending on the current supply. Ezzy’s unit has 250 men.

Some amazing people raised enough to cover the heads of exactly half of them. Ezzy would not take one though; he won’t take a helmet for himself until the head of every soldier in his charge is protected.

I don’t know how we can sleep at night knowing that there are young fathers in Gaza who are fighting for our safety and our homeland, without helmets on their heads. 

Please help me raise $50,000 so that we can get a helmet on the last 125 of Ezzy’s soldiers, and on his head too. We will buy the helmets as the funds come in, because every minute lost is a danger, and we can’t afford to risk that.

We will do our part, and Hashem will do the rest, and bring our soldiers home to their families, in victory, and in safety.

Thank you for saving our soldiers lives!

The helmets will be bought by Ezzy Morgenstern, together with the team at Gderot for Soldiers, from a supplier in Israel approved by the IDF.

All funds raised will go directly to the helmets. Gderot for Soldiers is a 100% volunteer-run team, and never takes payment.

Any funds raised over the $50,000 goal will go to purchasing more helmets for other frontline soldiers who are fighting in Gaza with outdated equipment.

Click here to donate generously.


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