Brunoy Celebrated Masechta Mastered By Heart Over a Summer

Having spent their summer months immersed in learning, Bochurim in Brunoy’s Shiur Alef committed the entire masechta Taanis to memory. At a celebratory event, they celebrated the milestone and thanked the Talmidim haShluchim for their hard work to bring this to fruition.

Last week, before the start of the bein hazmanim break, a prize-giving ceremony was held at the Brunoy Yeshiva in France for the bochurim of Shiur Alef. The event took place in the presence of the administration, teachers, and parents. The ceremony honored the bochurim who excelled in the Mivtza Torah competition, which focused on memorizing Maseches Ta’anis.

Throughout the competition, several intermediate tests were conducted, culminating in a final exam where the bochurim were tested on the entire tractate by heart. With Hashem’s help, over 20 bochurim excelled and were awarded a 300-euro prize, contributing towards the cost of a flight ticket to visit the Rebbe.

The ceremony was opened by the head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Shmuel Brodowicz, who explained to the parents how this initiative had brought tremendous energy to their sons’ Torah learning, particularly during the summer months. Despite the break, the yeshiva schedule continued, and the bochurim even used their free time to review the masechta by heart. He cited the Rebbe’s words from a yechidus in 1992, where the Rebbe expressed that a bochur should dream at night about the Torah discussions they studied during the day. Rabbi Brodowicz also thanked the Shluchim Bochurim for organizing and managing the competition alongside their other responsibilities in the yeshiva.

Following him, the yeshiva’s executive director, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gurewitz, encouraged the bochurim and thanked the teachers for their dedication to the bochurim’s success.

The masechta was completed with an in-depth overview by the bochur hatomim Shalom Dovber Elcharat, who recited a sicha of the Rebbe related to the completion of Tractate Ta’anit. The next tractate was then introduced by the bochur hatomim Chaim Asulin, who encouraged his peers to continue this positive momentum in the coming Shnas Halimud.

To conclude the ceremony, the shliach Menachem Mendel Eidelman gave the parents an overview of the shluchim’s activities with the bochurim throughout the year. At the end, the bochurim received their certificates and prizes.

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