“Bring the Parents Into Cheder”

Watch: When Sydney educator Rabbi Mordechai Liebermann was in yechidus, the Rebbe read his mind and gave him advice for students who get a different message at home.

By Anash.org writer

Sydney’s educator of 50-years Rabbi Mordechai Liebermann was interviewed this week by Rabbis Michoel and Levi Gourarie where he shared personal insight and instructions from the Rebbe.

Towards the end of the interview, Rabbi Liebermann shares some of his experiences in yechidus with the Rebbe.

The Rebbe asked him how it works for his students when they come home after learning about Yiddishkeit in school, while the atmosphere at home doesn’t match it. Rabbi Liebermann smiled since this was something that was actually on his mind.

When he asked the Rebbe what could be done, the Rebbe responded, “M’darf brengen di elteren in Cheder arain!” Bring the parents into the cheder and share with them the values that their children are being taught.



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