Boys Rewarded with Ski Trip for Exemplary Davening

The 7th and 8th grade boys of Cheder Chabad Monsey enjoyed a skiing trip this week as a reward for their efforts to enhance their davening over the past few weeks.

The 7th and 8th grade boys of Cheder Chabad Monsey enjoyed a skiing trip this week as a reward for their efforts to enhance their davening over the past few weeks.

“Over the past few weeks our 7th and 8th grade boys have been working on their “avoda shebilev” – their davening,” organizers told

Early every morning before the minyan starts, the boys gathered to study Chassidus with principal Rabbi Levke Kaplan. The boys were treated to mezonos and hot cocoa as Rabbi Kaplan teaches the ma’amer V’yached Livoveinu from the Frierdiker Rebbe focusing on the importance of tefillah.

All boys who attended the shiur, and followed it up by sitting quietly throughout davening, behaving with the proper derech eretz and looking in their siddurim while saying the words, were rewarded to an amazing ski trip this week.

The ski trip, chaperoned by Rabbis Gershon Sandler and Zalmen Teitelbaum, included the full skiing experience, starting with ski instruction, and continuing with a fun-packed day.

“The boys came back energized, enthusiastic, and ready to keep working on their tefillah,” organizers said. “The next trip is already being planned, and Rabbi Kaplan will announce new criteria for the next trip shortly.”

“We are extremely proud of our bochurim and look forward to their continued growth and hatzlacha in their avodas hatefillah,” they said.


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