Rabbi Raitport Gives Shiur at 770

Watch: Harav Yitzchok Raitport, head of Kolel Limetzuyanim in Boro Park and author of many seforim, presented a shiur on the laws of Shabbos to bochurim of Tomchei Temimim 770.

Harav Yitzchok Raitport, head of Kolel Limetzuyanim in Boro Park and author of many seforim, presented a shiur on the laws of Shabbos to bochurim of Tomchei Temimim 770.

Harav Raitport delved into the Sugya in Mesechta Shabbos and answered a number of difficulties in the Rambam’s unique views on Davar She’eino Miskaven.

Notably present at the shiur were members of the hanhola Rabbis Shlomo ZarchiKuti Feldman and Gedalya Bluming.


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