In honor of Shabbos Achdus, Bochurim from Lubavitcher Yeshivos worldwide will be uniting through Torah, by learning the same Sichah and Maamor.
As part of the Shabbos Achdus programming arranged for the Bochurim by Igud Yeshivos, Bochurim from Lubavitcher Yeshivos worldwide will be uniting through Torah, by learning the same Sichah and Maamor.
Earlier this week, a booklet with copies of the Sichah and Maamor selected by Mashpiim, was mailed by the Yeshivos directly to Bochurim’s homes.
The program was created and organized by Igud Yeshivos with the help of the Shluchim of Bronoy Yeshiva and Hatomim Yisroel Lazar of 770
The booklet can be downloaded here.