Bochur Injured in Fall at Simchas Beis Hashoeva

A Lubavitcher Bochur was severely injured when he slipped and fell from a street traffic light and lost consciousness at Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Crown Heights. Update: Bochur has regained consciousness.

By reporter

As thousands of people celebrated at Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Crown Heights, one bochur was severely injured when he fell from a street traffic light and lost consciousness.

The incident happened shortly after 3:00 AM when two young bochurim climbed onto a traffic light about 20 feet high that is close to the musicians stage.

One of the bochurim jumped down from the traffic light but when his friend tried to climb down he slipped and fell to the ground. Unfortunately, he fell on his head and lost consciousness.

Hatzalah volunteers who were on the scene gave him initial medical treatment and evacuated him to a hospital for further treatment and tests.

The NYPD is imploring all celebrants to obey the safety instructions, and not to climb onto any poles or the roofs of the buildings and only stand in safe places.

After a short interruption to recite Tehillim for the injured bochur, the joyous dancing resumed as usual until the early morning.

Please say Tehillim for Mordechai ben Tzipporah Rochel.

Update: The bochur who was injured in a fall last night has regained consciousness and scans show no apparent trauma to the head.

Warning: Distressing content in video.

Photo: Avreimke Eisenstein

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