Bnei Brak Rov Visits Monsey Mesivta

HaRav Yitzchok Aizik Landa visited Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey this past Wednesday afternoon at the onset of Chamisha Asar Bishvat and delivered a captivating shiur to the students.

HaRav Yitzchok Aizik Landa – Rov of Bnei Brak and head of the highly regarded Rav Landa Hashgacha – visited Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey this past Wednesday afternoon at the onset of Chamisha Asar Bishvat. Rav Landa was in the states for a family Simcha.

Following Mincha, Rav Landa delivered a captivating shiur touching on practical Halachos pertain ingto Chamisha Asar Bishvat. He specifically addressed Hilchos Arlah, its application outside of Eretz Yisroel, and unique Arlah situations in connection with Chamisha Asar Bishvat.

He concluded by sharing Divrei Chizuk and the lessons we learn from Chamisha Asar Bishvat. He spoke of the importance of having a personal Mashpia and dedicating time to read Sipurei Chassidim.


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