Beis Chaya Mushka High School Finds Solution for Labor Day

Despite Chai Elul falling out on Labor Day, with Crown Heights schools closed, Beis Chaya Mushka High School found a way to celebrate the auspicious day.

This year ChaI Elul, the birthdays of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe, fell out on Labor Day, and Beis Chaya Mushka High School in Crown Heights had to be closed due to the Labor Day Parade.

The high school was able to get access to the campgrounds of Chovevei Torah in upstate New York and arranged an overnight Chai Elul celebration, leaving Sunday night and returning Monday night.

The entire school excitedly boarded the bus, and enjoyed a full program of farbrengens, gatherings, fun activities and a barbeque too!

“The new school year began with a tremendous dose of chayus,” a staff member said.


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