The Chabad community of Baltimore marked Yud Shvat with a group trip to the Ohel, as well as a farbrengen with guest speaker Rabbi Michoel Seligson.
By reporter
The Chabad community of Baltimore marked Yud Shvat with a group trip to the Ohel, as well as a farbrengen.
A group of community members traveled to the Ohel for a special trip organized by Young Anash of Baltimore and led by Rabbi Nochum Levin.
On their return to Baltimore, they joined the rest of the community for a grand farbrengen with guest speaker Rabbi Michoel Seligson, renowned mashpia, lecturer, and author of a number of works relating to chassidus.
The farbrengen took place at Congregation Ohel Levi Yitzchak Lubavitch, under the leadership of Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon.
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