Bais Chaya Mushka LA “Go Back in Time” To Experience Hakhel

Greeted by Leviim in full regalia, a glistening Bais Hamikdash and the sound of trumpets, the students of Bais Chaya Mushka Los Angeles “went back in time” to experience Hakhel in ways that they had only ever heard about.

N’shei Readers: Click here to view a gallery from the Hakhel.

Greeted by Leviim in full regalia, a glistening Bais Hamikdash and the sound of trumpets, the students of Bais Chaya Mushka Los Angeles “went back in time” to experience Hakhel in ways that they had only ever heard about.

Every seven years in the Bais Hamikdash, Yidden of every shape and size joined together in unity and awe and this Hakhel was just the same. Mini Mommies and Tatties, Bubbies and brothers, and Zaidies and babies journeyed through the Jerusalem stone walkways of Yerushalayim, finally reaching the regal entrance of the Bais Hamikdash, its golden doors sparkling.

BCMLA principal Mrs. Rochie Charytan welcomed each group of the “anashim, nashim v’taf“. After a spirited performance by the 5th-grade Leviim, a hush stole over the room for the moment they had all been waiting for… the king had arrived!

Rabbi Aaron Teleshevsky of JCraft embodied the role, encouraging each girl to accept the unique mission of the Hakhel year- to act as kings and queens and draw Yidden together. With great excitement, he recited Pessukim from Devarim, allowing each BCMLA girl to feel the power of hearing Hashem’s holy Torah surrounded by all of Klal Yisroel. Calling on students from each class, the Hakhel elements of Torah, Tefilla, Tzedaka were completed with the 12 Pessukim, Tzedaka and the Rebbe’s Kapital.

The feelings and lessons from this amazing program, organized and overseen with love by Ms. Mushka Novack, will be brought to action with the Hakhel Ambassador Program. The program encourages students to create a Hakhel event wherever they are, with their Hakhel Ambassadorship. Working together as a class, with the help of their 8th-grade captains, grades will earn points for each Hakhel, on their way to a grand reward.

As a reminder of their Hakhel event, the girls were given a “crown” necklace, so they will always remember that they have the power of kings and queens and “Wherever I am, Wherever I’ll be, Hakhel is always with me.”

Bais Chaya Mushka Los Angeles, through experiential programs such as this Hakhel and Bnos Chabad programming throughout the year, strives for opportunities to bring Yiddishkeit and chassidishkeit to life through various mediums and this once-in-a-decade experience is further testament to that.


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