Baba Sali’s 40th Hiloula Commemorated with New Torah

Photos: Mendi Dahan/

From all over Brooklyn and beyond, hundreds gathered in Crown Heights to celebrate the Hiloula of Harav Yisroel Abuhatzeira, famously known as the ‘Baba Sali’.

Photos: Mendi Dahan/

The 40th Hiloula of Baba Sali of saintly memory attracted more than 1500 people this past Motzei Shabbat in Crown Heights.

The Hiloula was organized by the Rav of Merkaz Sefard and of the Sefardic community in Crown Heights, Rabbi Lazer Avtzon, and was done in partnership with Reb Hirshel and Annette Lipsker (a granddaughter of the Baba Sali) and their children and grandchildren.

The 250 seats set up in the Hall of Ulam Chana were not enough to accommodate the more than 450 people who came to honor and celebrate the legacy of the Baba Sali. Additionally, over 1100 watched the Hiloula online via Zoom and YouTube.

A replay of the Hiloula can be viewed here. (Starts from 58:54).

Inspiring Divrei Tefila and Chizuk as well as special Tefilot for Am Yisroel, the soldiers of the IDF and for the return of all the hostages were offered by Rabbi Yaacov Nimni, Rav of Ner Menachem in Crown Heights.

Additional words of Chizuk and stories of the Baba Sali were offered by Rav and Mekubal Zevulun Bazov, Rabbi Aaron Chein, Rabbi Asher Oiknine, Rabbi Eliyahu Matusof, and Rabbi Gad Bouskila.

The highlight of the evening was the inauguration of a special Unity Sefer Torah in the merit of Baba Sali and being written to greet Moshiach Tzikeinu. This special Sefer Torah is blessed and authorized by Baba Baruch Shlit”a, the son of Baba Sali.

To purchase your letter in this special Sefer Torah, please use the enclosed link.

Shuls, Chabad Houses and other organizations are encouraged to open team pages, which will enable them to sell letters to their constituents and supporters, which will benefit their institutions.

Those wishing to purchase specially designed bottles of Arak or candle lighting vases commemorating this unique Hilouola can do so by writing to Rabbi Avtzon at [email protected]

With the fervent prayer that in the merit of this Hiloula and the beginning of writing this special Unity Sefer Torah of Baba Sali to greet Moshiach, that we merit the immediate Geulah now.

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