Ateres Chaya Mushka school of Crown Heights, directed by veteran mechaneches Morah Leah Levin, will be opening a preschool branch for 3 and 4 year olds girls for the upcoming school year.
Ateres Chaya Mushka school of Crown Heights will be opening a preschool branch for 3 and 4 year olds girls for the upcoming school year.
Ateres Chaya Mushka, overseen and directed by veteran mechaneches Morah Leah Levin, offers a chinuch that is focused on chassidishkeit, yiras shomayim and Torah values. The staff see each student as an individual bringing out their inherent strengths from a young age through grade school.
“We are pleased to share that Morah Baila Bronstein (lyricist of “Parsha Lidelach” and “Yomim Tovim) in Yiddish) will be joining our staff as the Morah for this class. Morah Baila is devoted in her body and soul to the success of her students and fills them with pride in living as chassidim on a day to day basis,” the school administration announced.
The school boasts a unique program for teaching Alef-Beis, which has been proven successful over our years of experience.
“Just as a tree needs care from its seedling stage, so too the Chinuch of every bas Yisroel is vitally important even from the youngest age, that is our approach at Ateres Chaya Mushka.,” they said. “If you are looking for a warm, loving environment for your daughter you need not look any longer.”
As in the past seven years the Pre 1A and elementary department will continue with its successful program. This year the school will be extending to 7th grade as well.
The program includes enriching classes in both limudei kodesh and limudei chol al taharas hakodesh– focused on what is needed for a girl to gain knowledge for day to day activities and communication. We have a special curriculum focused on interactions “bein adam lachaveiro” and middos tovos, as well as other skills such as baking, arts and physical education. Lessons are brought to life using hands on methods and multiple intelligences to reach every student internally.
The teachers are dedicated to the success of each student, revealing her inner talents and kochos.
Clear and open communication with parents is a priority in the school. No issue is too small to be addressed and we are determined to handle every situation with care and compassion to the satisfaction of all involved.
For more details and to register please contact Mrs. Leah Levine at 3474705711 or via email at [email protected].
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