Appreciation Dinner Thanks ‘Igud’ Supporters

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

150 friends and supporters participated last night in a prestigious event to salute the participants of the ‘Yishshachar and Zevulun’ learning program, for the students of Kevutza.

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Supporters of the ‘Yishsachar and Zevulon’ study program which has been implemented in recent years at the central Yeshiva in 770, gathered Tuesday night for a prestigious appreciation event, which extols the learning revolution taking place among the students of kevutza.

The participants entered the magnificent Jewish Children’s Museum hall to the sounds of pleasant music playing in the background. At the entrance, a photo exhibition showed the Zal of 770, which has undergone a radical transformation since the ‘Yissachar and Zevulon’ project began.

When the audience was seated, a fascinating video appeared on the screen showing bochurim in 770 and rabbis in the Igud Talmidei Hakevutza, who spoke about the change brought about by the project from a personal angle. The students talk about the great satisfaction and the nachas they bring to the Rebbe through their learning.

Moderator Rabbi Hillel Raskin opened the exciting event with divrei bracha, and invited Rabbi Chaim Meir Zalmanov, from the hanhala of the Igud to recite the Rebbe’s Kapitel. Video screens projected films on the importance of studying Torah diligently.

Then Rabbi Sholom Dovid Geisinski who serves as a meishiv on behalf of Igud and is known for his in-depth lessons was invited to the stage. Rabbi Geisinski spoke about the great partnership between the supporters and the students, between Yissachar and Zevulon.

As befitting such an important evening, the audience is treated to a performance by the renowned musician Gershon Freistat, who together with the singer Mendy Shapiro, performed a heartfelt Avinu Malkeinu ahead of Rosh Hashana.

Lastly, Rabbi Yisrael Kaplan thanked the many partners who filled the hall and wished that the partnership with the students continue to yield material and spiritual abundance for all the supporters.

The event concluded with a sense of exaltation for the incredible privilege, when each participant received a unique, and agreed to continue their partnership for the next year. The supporters left knowing that they are carrying with them into the new year the privilege of supporting Torah learning of the Rebbe’s bochurim.

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