Antwerp Mesivta Celebrates End-Of-Year

At the end of a very productive school year at the Tomchei Temimim in Antwerp, shluchim and parents from all over the continent flocked to the Yeshiva, and were excited to see their children being tested and successfully completing the school year, having been busy all year learning mesechta Pesachim by heart.

The event began with a dvar malchus preseted by hatomin hashliach Shalom Meyers of Slovakia. The sicha was about the need to appreciate one another and see the good in others.

Hatomim Menachem Mendel Trebnik from the city Ulm, in Germany, represented the other bochurim in thanking the hanhalah of the yeshiva for their endless dedication to the yeshiva students. In his remarks, Trebnick noted how each of his classmates had progressed and excelled in his studies at the yeshiva.

Hatomim Menachem Hazan of Milan, Italy, always finished the masecheta Tomid, following the Rebbes hora’a to finish a masechta during the Nine days in order to increase simcha shel mitzvah.

Representing the parents was Rabbi Moshe Stifel, the Rebbe’s shliach in Almiram – the Netherlands, who excitedly shared how his son was living with what he had learned in yeshiva.

Rabbi Yehoshua Rabinowitz, the head mashgiach of the yeshiva, spoke to the participants about the importance of Torah learning, and how it is precisely Torah learning that prepares the bochurim for shlichus.

Hatomim Yisroel Brook of Petersburg made the siyum on Rambam, followed by Hatomim Arye Segal from Azerbaijan who started the new cycle of Rambam. Hatomim Mendel Rasenblum from Brussels was honored with reading the Rebbe’s kapitel.

Rabbi Shalom Greenfeld, Rov of the Alexander beis medrash, who tested the tmimim, shared how well the bochurim knew the material.

The Chief Rabbi and Av Beis Din of the “Shomrey Hadas” Rabbi David Moshe Lieberman spoke next.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Tavardowitz, the Rosh Yeshiva awarded the certificates of honor to the yeshiva bochurim.

Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki, Belgium’s head shliach and chief mashpia of the yeshivah, sent his blessings to the event and wished each of the bochurim much hatzlocho. He was unable to attend the siyum himself.

The Yeshiva hanhala thanks the dedicated photographer Yonatan – Antwerpen for taking the beautiful pictures.

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