Antwerp Chabad Hosts Event for Hostages

Photos: Edwin Brosens

A large crowd of men and women came together at Chabad of Antwerp for a program in merit of the hostages and soldiers led by Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki and Yair Ansbacher.

A large crowd of men and women came together at Chabad of Antwerp for a program in the merit of the hostages and soldiers in Eretz Yisroel.

The event was led by Antwerp shliach Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki. Participants davened together, gave tzedaka and lit candles in memory of those who were killed.

Yair Ansbacher, an elite IDF soldier, who fought in the South, gave a talk in English titled, “What Did I See on the 7th of October?” Dr. Ansbacher is the author of six books, a military officer from elite units in the IDF, and an advisor to the Israeli police and prime minister’s office. On Simchas Torah, he took his weapon and headed south to fight.

Also shown was a special video message from released hostages Ilan, Maya and Itai Regev.

Photos by Edwin Brosens 

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