As many strive to make achdus, is proud to begin posting the weekly installment of the redesigned ‘Lessons in Heichaltzu’, Chassidus’ perspective on achdus, along with a shiur-discussion with Rabbis Shmuly and Levi Avtzon.
Join us on a journey through Heichaltzu.
As many strive to make achdus, is proud to begin posting the weekly installment of the redesigned ‘Lessons in Heichaltzu’, Chassidus’ perspective on achdus, along with a shiur-discussion with Rabbis Shmuly and Levi Avtzon.
The new ‘Lessons in Heichaltzu’, redesigned in the acclaimed “Lessons in Maamarim” format, is the key to true achdus as our Rebbeim envisioned it.
Let’s start with a story: On Simchas Torah, 5659 (1898), the Rebbe Rashab delivered a maamar, Heichaltzu.
A week and a half later, on Shabbos Parshas Noach, many chassidim were sitting at a farbrengen in the room of the Rebbe Rayatz. The Rebbe Rashab was not expected to deliver a ma’amar that day and the chassidim had gathered to share a farbrengen among themselves. The Rebbe Rashab surprisingly entered the room and shortly afterward, delivered the ma’amar Heichaltzu a second time.
Years later, the Rebbe Rayatz explained why his father delivered the maamar again. One of the participants in the farbrengen was one of the Rebbe’s relatives, a scholar of a selfless nature, but a person of a very firm character who looked down on the simple members of the chassidic brotherhood.
The Rebbe Rashab wanted him to hear this maamar that focuses on the need to eradicate disharmony and baseless hatred.
The Rebbe would frequently instruct chassidim to study the maamar and pay heed to its message. In 5748 (1987), he had the maamar reprinted and personally distributed it to thousands. In that same year, Sichos in English published a translation of the maamar in English that was guided by many instructive directives from the Rebbe.
As we emerge from a very difficult few months, a transformative spirit of unity in our community has caught fire.
But like many other words, ‘UNITY’ means different things to different people. United around what? About what? How do I define Ahavas Yisroel and CH”V its opposite?
As always, Chassidus illuminates the idea, giving us the true and ultimate meaning and the tools to adopt it into our day to day lives.
It is for this intention that and SIE partnered to bring Heichaltzu to the public in a manner never done before. The ma’amar, newly redesigned in the format of the acclaimed Lessons in Maamarim format, is being published, a chapter a week, alongside a video-discussion and a audio shiur.
It is our hope that study of this maamar will inspire its readers to “all become one fellowship, to do Your will with a perfect heart,”_and in that way usher in the age of Moshiach.
To download Heichltzu Chapter 7 click here.
For previous installments click here.