Amid War, Ukraine Issues Postage Stamp of 770

In connection with Gimmel Tammuz, the Ukrainian Postal Service issued a special stamp in honor of the Rebbe and as a tribute to Chabad’s activities in Ukraine. The stamp shows 770 and seforim of the Rebbeim.


Last Tuesday, 3 Tammuz, marking the 30th yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, the Ukrainian Postal Service issued a special stamp in his honor and as a tribute to the Chabad movement and its activities in Ukraine.

The stamp features the famous 770 building located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York. Instead of the building’s windows, sefarim of the Lubavitcher Rebbes are depicted.

Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch, the Chief Rabbi of Kyiv and Chabad head shliach in the city, who initiated and worked toward the issuance of the stamp, expressed his gratitude to the Ukrainian postal officials. He stated that there is no more appropriate and fitting day than Gimmel Tammuz to express appreciation for the work of the Chabad shluchim worldwide, and particularly for the activities of the Chabad shluchim in Ukraine.

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  1. Maybe the seforim allude to the seforim in captivity by the Russians which need to be released and returned to 770…

    1. but not funny, why make everything politics? we need the sforim and we need moshiach what does it have with Ukraine? it is up to the rebbe and the russian govermend (lev melachim byad hashem) only….

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