All It Took Was One Cruel Moment…

In the blink of an eye, 15-year-old Mendel Bluming, a lively, cheerful bochur, was suddenly fighting for his life on the side of a road. It is up to us to write the end of the story.

Up until a week ago, Mendel Bluming was just a “regular” bochur, spending his summer in Suffield Yeshiva.

Loved by his friends, prized by his teachers, and always with a smile on his face, Mendel was enjoying his summer and looking forward to another year in Yeshiva.

It took only one split second for his entire world to be shattered.

While walking on the side of the road near Suffield Yeshiva, heeding all safety precautions, Mendel was hit by a speeding, reckless driver, and suffered catastrophic injuries.

Today, instead of sitting in a zal, Mendel is unconscious in a hospital room. Instead of spending time with his friends, Mendel is surrounded by doctors, nurses, neurosurgeons and specialists. Instead of arguing over a Tosfos or enjoying some summer fun Mendel is fighting for his life.

What happens next is up to each one of us.

The medical bills for Mendel’s care have already far exceeded what insurance will pay, and the costs are only continuing to rise.

If you want Mendel to have a fighting chance to return to being the same lively, spirited bochur he was, then please, reach into your hearts.

Your donation will help bring more specialists to treat Mendel.

Your donation will allow the family to try more avenues to help Mendel.

Your donation can literally make the difference between life, and ch”v, the opposite.

Please, please donate now at

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  1. Please include his name and mother’s names so people can say Tehilim
    מנחם מענדל בן נחמה דינה

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