Ahavas Chesed Is Always There For All Your Medical Needs

Rabbi Avrohom Lider of Ahavas Chessed writes a letter to the Crown Heights community, detailing the services offered by the organization, available for anyone, at any time.

Welcome to Ahavas Chesed, where every day, we literally save lives. All are welcome to visit our office at 383 Troy Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11213, weekdays 9-5, where we are ready to assist with anything you may need.

In case of emergency or medical crisis, please feel free to call us at (718) 221-2424, or email us at ahavaschesed@gmail.com—24/7. 

Ahavas Chesed provides many services, including:

Medical Advice and Referrals: The Rebbe instructed to consult first and foremost with your family doctor who can be considered a “rofeh yedid”—a doctor who’s also a friend. When more is needed, we are there to step in. Be it choosing the right specialist or navigating the hospital ecosystem, with our network of over 600 doctors, we can connect you with a rofeh yedid under any circumstance.

Medical supplies and equipment: One may need a hospital bed at home, another needs a unique scale, and another needs a wheelchair to get home from the hospital. Whatever it is, within minutes, we take care of it.

Home healthcare: We make sure no one is left at home without proper care, short or long term.

Medical transportation: Getting from place to place while suffering from an illness is always challenging, and we provide reliable and compassionate transportation.

Bedside visitation: Regardless of where it is—in the hospital, at home, or nursing home—we have professional volunteers to come help and lift spirits.

Contacts at hospitals: We have a unique liaison in every hospital in New York City, as well as many other major hospitals around the country to advocate for anyone in need.

Hot meals: We deliver countless hot meals to patients in hospitals as well as those who may need it at home. During the height of the Coronavirus, our hands were full delivering hot meals to people quarantined at home.

Blood drives/convalescent plasma drives: Every month, Ahavas Chesed hosts a blood drive in the community. During the Coronavirus, we have also hosted three drives for live-saving convalescent plasma.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who came out to donate blood and/or plasma. May your efforts to save another life be an everlasting zechus for you!

Shabbos taxi: In a non-emergency situation, we can help arrange a taxi before Shabbos to be used on Shabbos.

It is our fervent wish that you never need our services other than to help with newborn babies! If for whatever reason you do need us, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

On behalf of our board of directors, our staff members, and all our wonderful volunteers, I would like to wish the entire community a wonderful new year, a kesivah va’chasimah tovah, a year full of nachas and gezunt. We should know of no more tza’ar and only continued simchah.

Rabbi Abraham Lider


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