After Deadly Moscow Attack, Chief Rabbi Cancels Celebrations

In the wake of a deadly terror attack in Moscow that killed at least 133 and injured over 100, Rabbi Berel Lazar called upon all communities in Russia to honor the national day of mourning and cancel all musical events over Purim.


Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar instructed all the Jewish kehillos in Russia to cancel their Purim celebrations with music on Motzei Shabbos and Sunday in the wake of the deadly terror attack in Moscow on Friday night that killed at least 133 and injured over 100, with dozens in critical condition.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on Saturday and claimed that the attack is linked to Ukraine. However, US intelligence agencies have confirmed that ISIS was responsible for the attack and said that it warned Russia of an imminent attack. Putin declared Sunday a day of national mourning.

HaRav Lazar instructed kehillos to instead increase their activities to fulfill the mitzvos of Purim b’hiddur, including Kriyas HaMegillah, mishloach manos, and especially matanos l’evyonim to all Jews, including those in medical centers and prisons.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog expressed his condolences to Russia on behalf of Israel on Motzei Shabbos, stating: “I condemn in the strongest terms the barbaric terrorist attack perpetrated in Moscow last night.”

“I spoke with the Russian Ambassador to Israel to convey – on behalf of the Israeli people – my condolences to the families of the victims, to the Russian people and its leadership for the terrible loss of life, and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured.

“I emphasized that terrorism of any kind, especially jihadist terror, indiscriminately targets all peoples, of all beliefs and religions, while sowing fear and destruction. Fighting terrorism is a major international challenge, and the countries of the world must firmly fight it together.”

CNN reported on Motzei Shabbos that Defense Intelligence of Ukraine spokesperson Andrii Yusov firmly denied his country had anything to do with the terror attacks at a concert hall in Russia’s Moscow region.

“There are official statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Presidential Office, and the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine. Of course, Ukraine had nothing to do with it,” Yusov said on Ukrainian national TV Saturday.

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