After 15 Years, Skverer ‘Shabbos Goy’ Discovered to be Jewish

During a loose conversation with the designated Shabbos goy in the Skverer community for over 15 years, one chossid found out some information that lost him his position…

By reporter

A Shabbos goy who was also a security guard in the Skverer community in New York lost his position after it was suddenly and shockingly discovered that he is in fact a Yid originating from Kiev, Ukraine, Bchadrei Chareidim reported.

One of the Skver Chassidim was having a friendly chat with him when the man casually mentioned that his grandmother had been a Jewess who lived in a village near Kiev.

The news spread like wildfire in the Skverer community. The head of Beis Din, Rabbi Yosef Yisroel Eisenberger, instructed an investigation to confirm the facts before the upcoming Shabbos.

After a quick investigation into the man’s background, askanim were able to confirm that the 70-year-old man who had come from the New York Police Department to work as a security guard and “Shabbos goy” in Skver for nearly 15 years, is indeed a complete Yid according to Halacha – despite him thinking that he was Catholic until that point.

Now that the Shabbos goy is a Shabbos Yid, it’s about time he experiences the beauty of Shabbos from the other side of the fence. Certainly, community members will ensure that he has other income and sees his Yiddishkeit, not as a loss, but as a source of joy.


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