A Message From Reb Yoel Kahn’s Wife

As Heichel Menachem climbs toward their goal in their campaign to raise funds for Beis R’ Yoel, Mrs. Leah Kahn reaches out to thank them and encourage everyone to join this project.

As Heichel Menachem climbs toward their goal in their campaign to raise funds for Beis R’ Yoel, Mrs. Leah Kahn reaches out to thank them and encourage everyone to join this project.

The initiative to establish a building in the name of her husband Reb Yoel Kahn, has touched Mrs. Kahn deeply, as this will not only continue the avodah that her husband dedicated his entire life to, but perpetuate a legacy for him. 

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This is the full letter from Mrs. Leah Kahn, addressed to Anash: 

B”H, Chof Zayin Menachem Av, 5781

“During their lifetime and afterward, they do not part” (Av Harachamim).

It is well known that my husband’s entire occupation and focus was spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus and the light of the Rebbe to every single Yid. He was invested in ensuring that another Yid should understand a vort of Chassidus and fulfill mitzvos with the chayus of Chassidus. He looked to inspire and strengthen every Yid’s shaychus to his nefesh haelokis.

I want to thank the moisad “Heichel Menachem” and its leaders, R’ Yaakov Leib Altein and R’ Yisroel Stern, who supported and helped him [my husband] in his holy work over the course of twenty years, for the initiative to establish a building for Hafatzas Hamayanos, in honor of/named after my husband. It is certain that after the bitter day Vov Av, not only will there not be any weakening in this avodah, but on the contrary, in a manner of “and the living shall take to heart” this avodah will grow and become stronger.

And may it be Hashem’s will, that this will be the final act for the fulfillment of the promise of the Baal Shem Tov, “the Master will come” through the spreading of your wellsprings outward”.

With honor and appreciation,
Leah Kahn


If you are able to make a contribution, small or large, to help perpetuate R’ Yoel’s legacy, please join us today.



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