As the number of COVID-19 cases in Crown Heights continues to rise, policy has been updated to reflect the recommendations of our rabanim and health professionals.
By Editorial Staff
Over the past few days, the Crown Heights community has unfortunately seen a rise in coronavirus cases among our own. After hearing directly from family members of anash who are in critical condition, the rabbinic team was consulted and temporary policies put in place.
From now until the COVID-19 epidemic passes and restrictions on social gatherings are lifted, will suspend all posts announcing local gatherings, including lechaims, sholom zochors, shiurim and others.
In addition, lechaim and wedding galleries will not be posted during this time.
We thank you for understanding, and look forward to a time when our site will once again be filled with announcements and photos of simchos and happy gatherings in our communities.
May we only have good news to share from this point on.