Kids Create Their Own Farbrengen

This Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds of families of Shluchim around the world enjoyed their Farbrengen in a Box, enabling them to mark the day in a fun and meaningful way.

This Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds of families of Shluchim around the world enjoyed their Farbrengen in a Box, a project of Merkos 302. 

Filling the need for Chassidishe programming on Yomei Depagra for Yaldei Hashluchim worldwide, MyShliach’s novel Farbrengen In A Box enables children to mark Chassidishe Yomim Tovim in a fun and meaningful way.

“The goal is for children to be able to personally relate to Chassidishe Yomim Tovim and make it their own.” remarked Rabbi Mendy Kirszenberg of MyShliach.

Shluchim families around the world receive their own Farbrengen box before every major date on the Chassidishe calendar. It comes complete with an inspiring interactive program, innovative crafts, raffles, prizes and Chassidishe games like “Grab a Mitzva” that children enjoy time and again. 

The Farbrengen in a box is a great way to strengthen us as a family. There are so many zooms we can put our kids on but this is so important to sit down together as a family and Farbreng with our kids. It creates a chassidisher home.

Rivki cheruff (Birmingham UK)

“We did it with our family yesterday evening and as always it was absolutely awesome. We look forward to it each time it comes. The level of professionalism, toichen, and clear visuals is extraordinary!!! We are extremely appreciative!!!”  

Mrs. Malya Shmotkin, Stamford CT

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