770 Hanhala Farbreng For Yeshiva’s Full Student Body

The mashpi’im and magidei shiurim of the Central Tomchei Tmimim at 770 Eastern Parkway gathered on Tuesday, Yud Tes Kislev, for a seudah and farbrengen with the entire student body of the 770 yeshiva.

The mashpi’im and magidei shiurim of the Central Tomchei Tmimim at 770 Eastern Parkway gathered on Tuesday, Yud Tes Kislev, for a seudah and farbrengen with the entire student body of the 770 yeshiva.

Noticeably absent was longtime mashpia at the Yeshiva Reb Yoel Kahn, who joined the farbrengens in the years preceding his passing.

Besides for longtime hahala members rosh yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Labkowski mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, mashpia Rabbi Kuti Feldman mashgiach Rabbi Gedalia Bluming and mashgiach Rabbi Levi Klyne, the farbrengen was also led by a number of younger hanhala members who were appointed more recently to fill positions in the 770 Yeshiva and its smicha and dayanus divisions.


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