70 Mitzvah Tanks Parade in New York

70 Mitzvah tanks, marking the 70 years of Yud Shvat, paraded from 770 across the bridge into Manhattan, bringing the celebration to the streets of New York.

Photos: Meir Donel/Anash.org

As Chassidim and world Jewry celebrate 70 years since the Rebbe assumed the role of leadership this Yud Shevat, 70 Mitzvah-tanks paraded from 770 across the bridge bringing this major celebration to the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan.

The Mitzvah Tanks were armed with Tefillin and mivtzoim material about Yud Shvat and the Rebbe’s call to increase in mitzvos to hasten the coming of Moshiach.

The parade received wide coverage on social media, with many posting pictures of their encounter with the tanks, and the pride in being Jewish it awoke within them.


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