600 Celebrate Simchas Bais Hashoeva in San Francisco

San Francisco’s Jewish community gathered in unprecedented numbers on Sunday Chol Hamoed for a grand Simchas Bais Hashoeva, hosted by 14 local Chabad Houses and Shuls. With over 600 attendees, the celebration of Sukkos filled the streets with music, joy, and unity.

San Francisco’s Jewish community gathered in unprecedented numbers on Sunday Chol Hamoed for a grand Simchas Bais Hashoeva, hosted by 14 local Chabad Houses and Shuls. With over 600 attendees, the celebration of Sukkos filled the streets with music, joy, and unity.

The festival offered a wide array of activities for all ages, from a rock climbing wall and moon bounces to edible sukkah crafts and balloon sculpting. Juggler Jefferson stole the show with a dazzling fire juggling performance that had the audience captivated.

But the night reached its peak when singer Oriyah Shiff, together with one-man band Yoey Muchnik on keyboard, led the crowd in a rousing rendition of “Ivri Anochi.” Hundreds joined in the spirited dancing, with the energy of the crowd rising to new heights.

The message of the evening was clear: “After a challenging year, we need to double the joy,” explained Rabbi Nosson Potash, one of the event’s organizers. The lively music, dancing, and festive atmosphere reflected this message perfectly, as young and old celebrated together in a display of resilience and community spirit.

“The Simchas Bais Hashoeva wasn’t just a night of fun” Talia shared, “It was a statement of unity, joy, and hope for the future of San Francisco’s Jewish community” 

This incredible event was brought to life by the following organizations: Adath Israel, Anshei Sefard, Bais Menachem Yeshiva Day School, Chabad of Cole Valley, Chabad of Noe Valley, Chabad of SF, Chabad of the Neighborhood, Chabad of the Sunset & Student Center, Chevra Tehilim, Magain David, RTC – Chabad, Russian Speaking Jewish Community of SF Bay Area, Schneerson Center, and Torat Emet. 

Special thanks were also given to the event supporters, including Hebrew Free Loan, Kibby Care, Basi Lgani Care, and Sinai Memorial Chapel.

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