60 Days Ahead, Bochurim Get Ready for Yud Alef Nissan

60 days before Yud Aleph Nissan, bochurim in the 770 yeshiva gathered to discuss how they could improve and grow in learning the Rebbe’s Torah and completing his horaos.

In preparation for the Yom Habahir Yud Aleph Nissan, a special gathering was held to inspire and strengthen the participants in various areas of Torah and Hiskashrus.

Hatomim Mendel Sternberg served as the MC for the event and discussed the importance of utilizing the Rebbe Responsa app, encouraging attendees to fortify their connection through it.

Rabbi Binyomin Scheiman, a Shliach from Chicago, emphasized the significance of Yud Aleph Nissan, pointing out the special role that Bochurim play in marking this day.

Hatomim Itche Dubov urged the participants to increase and strengthen their learning of Rambam, including making siyumim.

Hatomim Simcha Fisch highlighted the importance of reinforcing the learning of topics of Geulah and Moshiach.

Hatomim Betzalel Shanowitz advocated for learning the Rebbe’s Hadronim on Rambam.

Hatomim Meir Lazaroff encouraged strengthening of achdus and gemilus chasadim.

Rabbi Shimon Rivkin brought attention to the upcoming CTeen Shabbaton, an event anticipated to bring together Jewish teens from around the world and how the bochurim can contribute.

The event served as a reminder of making the proper hachanos in honor of the Rebbe’s upcoming birthday on Yud Aleph Nissan.


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