In connection with Gimmel Tammuz, a collective study of the Rebbe’s Torah has been undertaken, and to date, 460 volumes have already been taken.
By Rabbi Yakov Gershon
In connection with Gimmel Tammuz, a collective study of the Rebbe’s Torah has been undertaken, and to date, 460 volumes have already been taken!
The Rebbe’s Torah spans a complete library of over 250 volumes, including Likutei Sichos, Toras Menachem, Igros Kodesh, Reshimos, Hayom Yom and more.
To make it easier for the broader community to participate, the Central Lubavitch Youth Organization, Tzeirei Agudas Chabad Hamerkazis, set up a special website——that lists all the volumes of the Rebbe’s Torah. There, you can choose the subject you desire, and the quantity you wish to study, whether it is the Rebbe’s Sichos on one parsha, or an entire volume of Sichos or Maamarim. If your desired selection is already taken in one round of the division, you may find it available in a subsequent round in the drop-down menu. The website already has eight rounds set up to increase the availability of volumes, and many have been chosen in each round, totaling 460 to date.
This division is inspired by the Rebbe’s words in Hayom Yom (9 Adar II): “A chossid’s great thirst to be mekushar with his Rebbe can be satisfied only by studying the Maamarim that the Rebbe recites and writes.” Note that the Rebbe qualifies that this is the “only” way. The Rebbe echoes this idea in many other places as well.
Gimel Tammuz is a time for us to reflect on and strengthen our hiskashrus.
The collective study is taking place between Gimel Tammuz 5780 and Gimel Tammuz 5781. The Central Lubavitch Youth Organization has arranged that every participant will receive five reminders throughout the year—on 3 Elul, 3 Cheshvan, 3 Teves, 3 Adar and 3 Iyar—in addition to the final reminder on 3 Sivan, thirty days before Gimel Tammuz.
“This global study has the threefold advantage of combining the study of the Rebbe’s Torah, the unity of the participants, and hiskashrus to the Rebbe,” notes Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Director, Lubavitch Youth Organization.
May we merit the true and complete redemption by our righteous Moshiach, when we will study new Torah insights from his mouth!
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