320 Graduate at Grand Lemaan Yilmedu Event

Oholei Torah’s ballroom was festively decorated to celebrate the conclusion of the year at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu with 320 students receiving certificates in many courses of study, as their families looked on with nachas.

Oholei Torah’s ballroom was festively decorated to celebrate the conclusion of the year at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu. 320 students received certificates in many courses of study including: Semicha, Hilchos Shabbos, Orach Chaim, Hilchos Tahara, Hilchos Mikvaos, Dinei Mamonus, Chuppa v’Kiddushin, Rav Kehilla, Hadrochas Chassanim, Shechita, and Safrus.

About 150 students attended with their families while the rest of the graduates, who could not attend in person, watched it live.

This was the culmination, after an entire year of studies, tests, and much effort in learning halacha on the part of shluchim, Anash, bachurim and even mekuravim. What they had in common was the study of halacha in an organized way with classes given at set times in a way that made it a kevius in time and a kevius b’nefesh.

The event began with the menahel, Rabbi Chaim Yisrael Wilhelm, inviting the first speaker, Rabbi Rafoel Banon, Rav and Dayan in the Chabad community in Montreal and members of Lemaan Yilmedu’s vaad ha’semicha. He emphasized the importance of continuing to learn and not sufficing with earning a certificate.

The next speaker was Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander, Rav of the Chabad community in Kingston, PA and member of Lemaan Yilmedu’s vaad ha’semicha. He focused on the great zechus of the wives who made it possible for their husbands to learn, thus meriting a home of Torah and Halacha.

The Mara d’Asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, connected the event to Vov Tishrei and Rebbetzin Chana’s mesirus nefesh so that her husband could learn Torah, and the great joy of a siyum; the joy of completing a part of Torah and the start of the fifth cycle of Lemaan Yilmedu.

Rabbi Levi Wilhelm, shliach in Las Vegas finished Hilchos Tahara with the maggid shiur, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov. Rabbi Wilhelm spoke about his father, founder of the Machon in the US, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h, describing his father’s geshmak in giving shiurim and the tremendous accomplishments of the Machon not only in the US but among English speakers worldwide.

Rabbi Moshe Gurary, shliach to Toms River, NJ was a representative of students from among the shluchim. He spoke about the chayus he got from participating in the shiurim over an entire course and the tremendous impact this had.

R’ Aharon Sarembock was a representative of the semicha students. He spoke from the heart, wishing his fellow students that they continue learning and go from strength to strength in the study of halacha.

The highlight of the event was the giving out of certificates to the excited participants as their relatives cheered them on, commending them for this outstanding achievement.

For more details about the programs: https://www.lemaanyilmedu.com/

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