3,000 Teens Arrive in NYC for “CTeen Week” of Jewish Pride

As 3,000 Jewish teens from far-flung corners of the globe have begun making their way to the bustling city, the annual CTeen weekend has effectively transformed into a “CTeen week.”

As the annual CTeen Shabbaton in New York approaches, 3,000 Jewish teens from far-flung corners of the globe have begun making their way to the bustling city, filled with excitement and anticipation. With large groups from Europe, Israel, and Latin America already in New York City, the annual CTeen weekend has effectively transformed into a CTeen week.

Among those making the trek are Ari Smoller from JEMs CTeen in Sydney, Australia, and Maurice Ajl a senior at Bandeirantes High School in São Paulo, Brazil. Both are joining this annual pilgrimage for the first time. “Growing up in the vibrant Jewish community of East Sydney with so many familiar faces gave me a strong sense of belonging to the local community,” Ari explained to Alfie Josephs, Senior Editor at CTeen Connection Magazine. “I’m looking forward to connecting with the international community now, connecting with youth from around the world, and just having fun with friends.”

Maurice told CTeen Connection journalist Jessica Soyfer at the airport, “If it weren’t for CTeen locally, my whole journey to Yiddishkeit would not have begun.” He added that he’s excited to visit 770, a place he’s heard so much about, and see “where it all began.” Despite residing in different corners of the world, they share a common goal of immersing themselves in the scene and enjoying the rich Jewish experience this weekend has to offer.

In the wake of recent challenges and uncertainties, the significance of the CTeen Shabbaton resonates more profoundly than ever. Ari emphasizes the importance of unity, stating, “After Oct 7th, and the media’s unfortunate reaction to it, we mustn’t forget who we are; we stay united and strong as a community, with no fear.” Maurice, Ari, and thousands of other Jewish Teens from around the world are on their way to New York with joy, to show the world that Jewish youth will stay united and proud no matter what.

“Feeling the streets of Crown Heights reverberate to the refrains of ‘I’m a Jew and I’m proud,’ in so many different languages is a true testament to the vibrance of today’s Jewish youth,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch and Chairman of CTeen International. “The thousands of teens gathering in New York City this weekend are the future leaders of the Jewish people.”

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