300-Plus Bochurim Take Final Halikut Test in New York

Photos: Mendi Dahan/Anash.org

Over three hundred Chabad bochurim gathered at Chabad of Great Neck, NY on Sunday afternoon to take the final test of this year’s Halikut program, which had bochurim study and review Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos.

Close to four hundred Chabad bochurim gathered at Chabad of Great Neck, NY on Sunday afternoon to take the final test of this year’s Halikut program, which had bochurim study and review Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos.

Now in its sixth year, Halikut has raised the bar for Likkutei Sichos learning among thousands of Bochurim, through its intense learning regimen and scrutinizing tests.

Later in the day, the bochurim who receive the top marks on the test will take part in a Chidon and be tested orally on stage by the Chozrim who originally wrote the sichos, demonstrating the incredible knowledge of these sichos gleaned in the past few months. The winner will receive all of the Rebbe’s printed torah.

The program will end with a grand banquet and Siyum on Chelek Lamed, and awards and prizes will be handed out to the bochurim who passed the test.

Halikut is a program of Vaad Hatmimim under the direction of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein, and led by Mendel Gopin.

The Halikut Siyum was sponsored by Reb Yossi Kazarnovsky L’iluy Nishmas his parents Reb Moshe & Golda Liba A”H Kazarnovsky

The Halikut program is sponsored by:
Keren Ohr Chana
Keren Meromim
Yossi & Nechama Dina Katz
Mendy & Chanie Fischer In honor of our children
Sholom & Esther Laine
And the Dornbusch family, לע״נ שמואל בן ישראל ועזריאל צבי בן מרדכי ע״ה

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