30 Years of Eshel Marked with Appreciation Event

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim celebrated 30 years of selfless dedication to the Rebbe’s guests with an appreciation event for supporters and benefactors of the organization.

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

With the months of Tishrei set to begin this week, an evening of appreciation was held on Motzei Shabbos for supporters and benefactors of Eshel Hachnosas Orchim.

The melava malka event celebrated 30 years of selfless dedication by Eshel Hachnosas Orchim, the veteran organization taking care of all the Tishrei guests’ needs.

The evening was led by Eshel chairman Rabbi Mendel Hendel and was joined by philanthropist R’ Sholom Ber Drizin as well as Rabboim and mashpi’im. Musical accompaniment by Mendy Gadsi.


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