18th Kinus Hatmimim Draws Thousands of Bochurim

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

Thousands of bochurim Bochurim from Yeshivos across North America gathered on Wednesday night in Rosa Hall in Beis Rivkah for the 18th annual Kinus Hatmimim which featured a unique program focusing on the Rebbe’s farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5733.

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

Thousands of bochurim Bochurim from Yeshivos across North America gathered on Wednesday night in Rosa Hall in Beis Rivkah for the 18th annual Kinus Hatmimim.

The program went through the Farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5733, which was learned in yeshivos around the world in preparation for Yud Shevat. Each topic of the Farbrengen was addressed by one Mashpia who explained the Sicha and its relevance to each Bochur.

The Kinus was addressed by Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Rabbi Amram Farkash, Rabbi Chanoch Bistritzky and Rabbi Zalman Gopin.

In addition, a special video tribute to Rabbi Yoel Kahn was played, as well as a video presentation from JEM.

During the Kinus a global initiative in all the yeshivos in preparation for Yud Alef Nissan – 120 years was announced.

The Kinus Hatmimim is sponsored by Reb Yossi Kazarnovsky L’iluy Nishmas his parents Reb Moshe and Golda Liba A”H; and by Reb Yoseph Yitzchak Popack L’iluy Nishmas his parents Reb Shmuel Aizik and Miriam A”H.

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