16 Adar: Frierdiker Rebbe Accepts US Citizenship

Exactly 72 years ago, on the 16th of Adar, 5709, the Frierdiker Rebbe became a citizen of the United States in a historic ceremony that took place in 770. The Rebbe arranged for the event to be videoed in full color, a rarity in those times.

Exactly 72 years ago, on the 16th of Adar, 5709, the Frierdiker Rebbe became a citizen of the United States in a historic ceremony that took place in 770. The Rebbe arranged for the event to be videoed in full color, a rarity in those times.

The ceremony was presided over by a special delegation from the United States Government. In order to grant citizenship in a private home, and not on federal property, a special law had to be passed. According to dairies written at the time by chassidim, the Rebbe spoke about the event at a farbrengen shortly after, saying “A special law was enacted in Congress, so my father-in-law the Rebbe could receive citizenship in his home. This happened because if the nossi hador needs something, it takes place, even if special laws have to be enacted!”

The delegation was received in the yechidus room by the Frierdiker Rebbe, who was dressed in his silk Shabbos clothes and wearing a shtreimel. The Frierdiker Rebbe first said a short sicha, saying that Hashgacha Protis had brought him to the USA in order to assist in the spread of Yiddishkeit and hafatzas hamayanos.

After the sicha, the Frierdiker Rebbe signed the documents and took the oath of citizenship by raising his hand and repeating after the delegation.

The entire ceremony was arranged by the Rebbe, who also made sure to invite two of the highest quality photographers in those days to document the event from two angles, and even invited a color videographer.


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