Over 100 fathers and sons participated in a special joint Avos UBonim /Yud Kislev Melave Malka program this past Motzoai Shabbos, (10 Kislev) hosted by the Tzemach Tzedek Shul and Cheder Chabad of Monsey.
Cheder Chabad children from all over the greater Rockland area and beyond, including children from as far away as the Bronx and Newburg – joined together for a wonderful Avos uBonim learning program at the Tzemach Tzedek Shul. They then stayed on for an additional program in honor of Yud Kislev – the day of liberation from prison of the Mittele Rebbe.
The learning program, prizes and special weekly story by Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman took place upstairs in the Shul. And then all the children went downstairs to the social hall for a “Hot Dog and Chips” Yud Kislev Melave Malka organized by Rabbi Kaplan and Rabbi Sassover, the Menahalim of the boys Cheder. A beautiful animated story of the Baal Shem Tov was told by master storyteller Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov of Crown Heights. An additional raffle drawing for prizes was held then as well. An evening long to be remembered by all the children !!