1 Killed, 5 Wounded in Terror Ramming Attack

An IDF soldier was murdered and five others were wounded in a truck-ramming terror attack at a checkpoint near the city of Modiin on Thursday morning.


An IDF soldier was killed and several others injured in a ramming attack by a terrorist driving a commercial truck Thursday morning near the Maccabim checkpoint on Route 443.

One of the victims was critically injured and died of his wounds shortly afterward. One was moderately to seriously injured, and the others were lightly injured. The victims have been evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Sheba Medical Center.

The IDF reported that three of those injured were IDF soldiers. Their families have been notified.

The terrorist who drove the truck has been located and was eliminated near the Hasmnoaim checkpoint. Police officials later commented that the driver was a 41-year-old Palestinian man from Judea and Samaria who held a valid work permit for entering Israel.

At 09:00 a report was received at MDA’s 101 call center in the Ayalon region about 3 pedestrians who were hit by a vehicle near the Maccabim checkpoint in the direction of Modi’in. MDA EMTs and Paramedics provided medical treatment and evacuated the victims to the hospital, 2 with serious injuries and one with mild injuries.

The Ministry of Defense reported that the terrorist who carried out the attack at the Maccabim crossing escaped by driving towards the Hasmonaim crossing. Security guards from the Ministry of Defense’s Crossings Authority at the Hasmonaim Crossing were deployed according to information they received from the IDF, identified the terrorist, and neutralized him. There were no other casualties. The Hasmonaim Crossing was closed in both directions.

Last night, a 19-year-old man was moderately injured in a stabbing attack near the Shivtei Yisrael streetcar station in Yerushalayim. A Border Police officer who was on the train killed the terrorist, a 14-year-old boy from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in the north of the city.

Paramedics Elad Rosemarin and Sarah Kapah said: “When we arrived at the train station on Shimon Hatzadik Street, we saw a man fully conscious with a stab wound in his upper body, we gave him life-saving medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital.”

MDA medic Elazar Ze’evi said: “I was nearby and rushed to the incident. I saw the injured man lying on the sidewalk near the streetcar platform fully conscious with a stab wound. He was on the phone with his family members.”

A short time later, an officer and three soldiers before midnight were moderately and lightly injured by an IED that was set off near them during an operation that took place last night (Wednesday) to secure the entrance of worshipers to Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem.

“The explosive detonation occurred at the point where the forces were operating to secure the roads, and not on the route of the citizens’ entry into the compound,” said an IDF spokesman. “The entry of worshipers to Joseph’s Tomb continued as usual.”

Belinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, to which the soldiers were evacuated, reported that “Four injured soldiers from the incident in Shechem arrived in the trauma room – all of them conscious. One of them is moderately wounded, and suffers from burns and shrapnel injuries. The other three wounded are in a light condition, and suffer from shrapnel injuries to their limbs. Two of the four were treated and released to their homes. The other two received initial treatment, and at this stage they remain in the hospital.”

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