Gold Star Teacher Training Course Returning for 10th Year

This summer, Igud Hamelamdim is hosting its 10th Gold Star Teachers’ Training Course, available both in-person and online. Participants have described it as “excellent, informative, practical, and incredibly pragmatic.”

This summer, Igud Hamelamdim is hosting its 10th Gold Star Teachers’ Training Course, available both in-person and online. Participants have described it as “excellent, informative, practical, and incredibly pragmatic.”

Over the years, 320 Lubavitcher teachers and principals have completed the 30-hour course, which offers comprehensive guidance on teaching and classroom management. Launched eight years ago, it has earned praise from educators at all grade levels for its practical advice and effective results. Many graduates have since secured prestigious teaching positions.

Participants share enthusiastic reviews, such as Rabbi Mendel Schtroks, who saw a significant improvement in his classroom, and Rabbi Avrohom Weinstein, who gained fundamental teaching skills. Rabbi Reuven Bachurberg appreciated the clear guidelines for classroom management, while Rabbi Yisroel Uzvolk praised the course’s tangible outcomes. Veteran teacher Rabbi Yossi Katz found new insights despite his extensive experience.

The course will be led by renowned Mechanech Rabbi Mechel Rottenberg, who brings over 30 years of experience and expertise. This year’s notable educators include Rabbi Shmuel Wagner on “Innovative Lesson Planning,” Rabbi Michoel Gourarie on “Individualized Chinuch,” Rabbi Yehosha Lustig on effective parent-teacher communication, and Rabbi Mendel Klyne on maximizing student potential.

The course runs from Sunday, 29 Tammuz to Thursday, 18 Menachem Av, with weekday evening sessions. Graduates will receive an accreditation certificate and access to follow-up coaching sessions.

“We spare no effort in reaching our goal of providing the very best Chinuch skills and methodology,” says Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, director of the Igud Hamelamdim organization. A discounted rate is available for the first 15 who register.

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