30 Years Takes Front and Center of Frum Weekly Magazines

Major frum publications in America and Eretz Yisroel are running cover stories about the Rebbe, and the covers of the magazines this week could be mistaken for an edition of the Kfar Chabad or Derher…

By Anash.org reporter

The frum world is abuzz with Gimmel Tammuz and the Rebbe. Major frum publications in America and Eretz Yisroel are running cover stories about the Rebbe and the covers of the magazines this week could be mistaken for an edition of the Kfar Chabad or Derher…

Major Charedi publications such as Hamodia, Mishpacha Hebrew, Hamevaser and Bakehila, all large publications with tens of thousands of readers, featured the Rebbe on the cover and wrote up pages of the Rebbe’s impact and continuous hashpa’a on the world.

The Vizhnitzer weekly magazine, Kesher Eisan, prominently featured a picture of the Rebbe on the cover while meeting with the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, R’ Yisroel Hagger, when he was younger. The magazine highlighted the discussions spoken at the time in the articles inside.

Hamachane Hachareidi of the Belzer Chassidim featured a cover photo of the famous meeting of the Belzer Rebbe with the Rebbe on 4 Adar 5741. The magazine covers that conversation during which the Rebbe strongly encouraged the chinuch of the young Belzer girls who at the time were discouraged from learning Torah inside.

The Jewish Press likewise did a powerful cover story on the Rebbe. Other English magazines, such as Ami and Mishpacha English also ran articles about the Rebbe.

Needless to say, Chabad publications were full of toichen and inspiration in connection with this special day.

To download the Hamodia supplement, click here.

To download Kfar Chabad’s Zaoi Bachaim supplement on the ongoing influence of the Rebbe, click here.

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