“My Husband And I Are All About being Here For Others”

Despite the privacy with which the Rebbetzin lived her life, those who had the privilege of knowing her share countless stories which display the incredible role the Rebbetzin served at the Rebbe’s side, caring for the welfare of Chassidim, giving brachos, and strengthening the Rebbe’s initiatives.


L’Chaim: Raeburn – Hazan

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yossi Raeburn of Los Angeles, CA and Chaya Hazan of Rome, Italy was held Monday night at Rubashkin.


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L’Chaim: Raitport – Klein

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Eliyahu Raitport of Crown Heights and Chaya Mushka Klein of Toronto, Canada was held on Monday night at Lubavitcher Yeshiva.


Making an Eruv on a Cruise Ship?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including a diabetic making a bracha on sweet juice, eating food heated on Shabbos according to other views, and carrying on Shabbos on a cruise ship.


L’Chaim: Shernofsky – Goldreich

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yoel Shernofsky of Baltimore, MD, and Batsheva Helena Goldreich of Crown Heights took place on Sunday at Rubashkin’s.


Hundreds Unite in Learning Treatise on Ahavas Yisroel

Photos: Nehoray Edri, Menachem Meretzky

In a compelling display of achdus, over 800 bochurim from various Yeshivos in Crown Heights, gathered on Monday night at 770 Eastern Parkway to learn the Rebbe Rashab’s treatise on Ahavas Yisroel.


Thursday: Global Chof Beis Shevat Farbrengen

In honor of Chof Beis Shevat, the 36th Yahrzeit-Hilulah of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, Chassidim from around the world will be gathering to mark the day with a special farbrengen on Thursday evening, near the Rebbe’s Ohel.


Four Shluchim Appointed to Board of Aguch

At a recent meeting of the leadership of Aguch, three shluchim from the United States and one from Israel were appointed as new members of the Board of Agudas Chasidei Chabad.


Bnei Brak Rov Visits Monsey Mesivta

HaRav Yitzchok Aizik Landa visited Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey this past Wednesday afternoon at the onset of Chamisha Asar Bishvat and delivered a captivating shiur to the students.


Baby Boy
כ׳ שבט ה׳תשפ״ד - January 30, 2024

War Day 116: WSJ Writes Exposé On UNWRA, Stabbing Attempt Thwarted

A map of the Hamas tunnels underneath the cemetery, from the IDF.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixteen: The Wall Street Journal ran a front page exposé on UNRWA, a Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab soldiers at an army base in the Shomron but was quickly eliminated, and White House spokesman John Kirby says that the White House believes they we are “moving in the right direction on the way to a hostage release deal.”


L’Chaim: Csillag – Kagan

Photos: Shalom Ross/ Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Menachem Csillag of Toronto, Canada and Beila Kagan of Crown Heights was held on Sunday night at Eshel.


Rabbi Shmuel Katan, 85, AH

Rabbi Shmuel Katan, who survived the Holocaust and went on to be a devoted chossid of the Rebbe who worked as a chemist and for the Israeli Air Force, and was a talented musician who performed in front of the Rebbe, passed away.

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