War Summary, Day 501: Six hostages to be released on Shabbas, four hostage bodies on Thursday, Israel will allow caravans and heavy machinery into Gaza in exchange, hundreds of murderous terrorists to be released on Shabbat, Hamas says they’d give all hostages in one day if Israel leaves them be, the IDF withdrew from Lebanon border villages, holds five strategic positions, Turkey helping Hezbollah rearm, and airstrikes in Syria.
Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour
Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell on Food from Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell with a new series on Birchos Hanehenin.
Bracha on Breaded Onion Rings?
Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including rubber tefillin protector, breaded onion rings, food brought into a bathroom, and Minhag Chabad on Kiddush during the 7th hour.
Vote Now and Encourage Young Chassidim’s Talent!
What happens when Chassidishe creativity meets passion? You get over 70 amazing submissions from families around the world, each bringing a powerful and inspiring message to life! Who will make it to the finals? YOU decide!
Joy of Russia and Ukraine Heard in the Streets of Yerushalayim
The wedding of the children of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, and the Chief Rabbi of Southern Ukraine, Rabbi Avraham Wolf, took place in Yerushalayim. A central Sheva Brachos welcomed dozens of respected rabbonim and roshei yeshiva who graced the event.
Our Communities
Kids Shabbaton is a Jewish Experience for Parents Too
Besides catering to hundreds of Jewish kids, the CKids Shabbaton offers parents a rare opportunity to connect, recharge, and realize they are not alone. Parents will have their own track of engaging speakers, thought-provoking discussions, and meaningful connections.
$15K Left for a Chosson Cover the Costs of His Own Wedding
A young chosson is reaching out with a heartfelt request to Anash for assistance in covering the expenses of his upcoming wedding which has fallen upon him. The campaign is backed by Chabad Rabbonim of Yerushalayim.
Darchai Menachem Boys Excited to Start Chumash
This Sunday, the Shul at Darchai Menachem echoed with the joyous sounds of young boys celebrating a major milestone in their early Chinuch: their first-grade Chumash party. The talmidim sang a Niggun they prepared for the occasion and then read from their newly acquired Chumash.
Rebbe’s Words on Peace Over Warfare Relevant As Ever
Close to 30 Yeshivos worldwide with over 1650 bochurim are learning the Rebbe sicha from Mishpotim 5752 on the declaration by world leaders at that time to prioritize peaceful pursuits over military expenditures, echoing Yeshayahu Hanavi’s prophecy of transforming “swords into plowshares.”
Yeshivas Kayitz South Africa Announces Staff for 5785
Back for its 16th year, YKSA – Yeshivas Kayitz South Africa – under the guidance of the Yeshivas’s hanhala, Rabbi Noam Wagner, Rabbi Yosef Kesselman, and Rabbi Levi Tzukernik is excited to announce their staff for the summer of 5785.
Amid Heavy Snow, Toronto Honors Late Rov with New Torah
Despite heavy snowfall, the Toronto community gathered to complete a new sefer Torah in memory of longtime rov, Harav Dovid Schochet AH, on his first yahrtzeit, dancing joyously through the snowy streets to the Chabad Gate shul where Harav Schochet led the community for many decades.
The Goring Ox and Mashiv Haruach
Anash.org Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, discusses the Rogatchover on whether repeating “mashiv haruach” 90 times counts as a month of davening and the connection to a goring ox.
Brooklyn’s Young Minds Shine at Regional Championship
In front of hundreds of spectators, students from 14 public schools across Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, and Mill Basin, showcased their knowledge of Jewish history, traditions, and values, vying for a chance to advance to the prestigious JewQ International Torah Championship.
War Day 500: Hamas Leader Eliminated, Directorate Established to Help Gazans Leave
War Summary, Day 500: Hostage bodies to be returned this Thursday, Israel to demand deportation of thousands of Hamas leaders, Netanyahu says the PA will not control Gaza, Defense Ministry established directorate to help Gazans leave to a third country, IDF eliminates Hamas’s leader in Lebanon, Radwan tunnel destroyed, Official: IDF holds five posts in Lebanon, hopes for northern residents to return home in March, and Israel’s U.S. ambassador addresses Egyptian issue.
45,000 Children Creatively Connect to the Rebbe
In an unprecedented initiative of hiskashrus to the Rebbe, 45,000 students from the Chabad educational network “Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchak,” participated in an exciting series of national events in honor of Yud Shvat – 75 years.
Bnos Menachem Unveils Inaugural ‘Insider Auction’
The Insider Auction by Bnos Menachem is an elite luxury auction unlike any other delivering a shimmering opportunity brimming with opulence, exhilaration, and impact—where every ticket is a portal to something rare, something remarkable.
‘Pegisha Europe’ to Unite Jewish Students Across the Continent
For years, Pegisha has been bringing together young Jews from diverse backgrounds for a Shabbos of inspiration, connection, and empowerment. Now, for the first time, that experience is coming to Europe with the launch of ‘Pegisha Europe,’ set to take place this year in Budapest.
New Mesivta in Hungary Will Be First Yeshiva Since the Holocaust
At a meeting with the Hungarian Minister of Education, Rabbi Shlomo Köves announced that for the first time since the Holocaust, a yeshiva will open in a massive campus strategically located on the main route between Hungary and Vienna, serving Mesivta-age sons of shluchim from across the region.
Kingston Community to Mark Fourfold Torah Celebration
Over the next two weeks, the fast-growing Lubavitcher community will celebrate four significant Torah milestones, marking learning achievements undertaken by community members.
Rabbis Paltiel and Wilhelm to Headline ‘Shabbos Anash’ Next Week
With Shabbos Anash coming up next week, organizers have announced that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Paltiel of Crown Heights and Rabbi Leima Wilhelm of Morristown will be among the mashpiim who will be speaking and farbrengen with Anash throughout Shabbos.
Connecting in Copenhagen
In Episode 52 of “Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier,” reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Chabad of Denmark, under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzi and Rebbetzin Rochel Loewenthal.
$3,400 Yearly Grant Per Student for Elementary School Tuition
Children’s Scholarship Fund helps students attend independent private elementary schools in the United States of America, awarding $1B+ to schools, enabling 100,000’s of students to attend. Students in four Crown Heights schools are approved to receive the grant.
Download: Moreh Shiur for the Upcoming Rambam Cycle
Download and print: A moreh shiur – study schedule for the upcoming cycle of Rambam study is being made available for easy printing to fold up and keep in your sefer or hang on a wall.
Will ‘Zecher Lamikdash’ Acts Be Annulled When Moshiach Comes?
In this episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin discusses when and how various decrees were made, because of Tzedukim or as a remembrance for the Beis Hamikdash, will be nullified, and we will revert to doing things as they were before the decree was made.
Spread Across the Globe, Boys Mark Meaningful Yud Shevat
Young Shluchim around the world marked Yud Shevat with Hachana of 10,000 lines of Tanya Baal Peh, farbrengens featuring an interactive Bosi Legani charades game, children’s choir, and guest storytellers, as well as father and son learning.
War Day 499: Trump in Full Coordination with Israel, IDF Airstrikes Deep in Lebanon
War Summary, Day 499: Netanyahu said he and Trump are working in “full coordination” and have a strategic plan, speculation grows over Phase Two and preparations for war, armed Hamas police were seen approaching IDF positions in Southern Gaza, the IDF conducted airstrikes deep in Lebanon, Hezbollah’s new leader complained about Lebanon’s complicity with Israel, and Rubio stated that Iran is not negotiating while affirming that Israel will act in its own interests.