At a press briefing with reporters today at the White House, President Donald Trump issued an ultimatum for the release of the hostages: either every single hostage is returned by Shabbos noon, or there will be severe consequences for Hamas.
16-year-old Melbourne Mesivta Bochur Completes Shas
In an incredible show of dedication and diligence, 16-year-old Motti Abenaim, a talmid at Mesivta Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch in Melbourne, completed the entire Shas. His remarkable achievement was celebrated with a grand Siyum with a crowd of esteemed rabbonim, Anash, family, and friends.
Avraham Fried Sings Rabbi Levi’s Last Song at Shiva House
On the night before his passing in the Poconos, Rabbi Levi Wolosow sang a heartfelt “Tzama nafshi lei’lokim” with Avraham Fried. Now, Avraham Fried visited his shiva home in New Jersey to sing the same song with his sons.
Chicago Teen’s Mitzvos Come Full Circle With Hostage’s Release
When 15-year-old Leah Notik from Chicago took a request from hostage Agam Berger’s mother to heart, she never expected to see such clear results. But when Agam was finally freed on her own birthday, the timing was impossible to ignore.
Shluchos Farbrengen is a Time to be Treated and Inspired
The Shluchim Office announces this year’s lineup for the annual Shluchos Farbrengen. It is an opportunity for the Shluchos to relax, feel treated out and enjoy an inspiring and uplifting Farbrengen together.
Our Communities
Help a Chosson Cover the Costs of His Own Wedding
A young chosson is reaching out with a heartfelt request to Anash for assistance in covering the expenses of his upcoming wedding which has fallen upon him. The campaign is backed by Chabad Rabbonim of Yerushalayim.
770 Farbrengen Marked 75 Years of the Rebbe’s Nesius
Thousands of Bochurim, Shluchim, and Anash packed 770 on Motzei Shabbos for a joyous melava malka and farbrengen, celebrating 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius.
Beis Din Majority: 2 vs 1, 2 or 3? Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, discusses the Rebbe and the Rogatchover on the definition of the majority principle in court decisions; whether the minority opinion still holds in some form, it is canceled altogether, or the minority in fact joins the majority.
Crown Heights Mobilizing to Host and Assist Shluchos
As thousands of Shluchos from around the world prepare to arrive in Crown Heights for the International Kinus Hashluchos, the legendary community is once again stepping up to ensure they feel welcomed and supported. With a record number of attendees, the need for assistance is greater than ever.
War Day 492: Intensive IDF Drill, Changes Coming to Hostage Deal
War Summary, Day 492: Trump “losing patience” with slow pace of hostage return, changes coming to the hostage deal, whistleblower revealed Hamas would have surrendered a year ago if not for Biden’s aid, dozens of Hamas supporters approach border fence near Kibbutz Nachal Oz, Netanyahu adds to the goals of the war, IDF hits targets in Lebanon and Syria, Iran won’t negotiate under pressure, and Egyptian smuggling becoming increasingly problematic.
Picture of the Day
At the Anshei Lubavitch Hachnosas Sefer Torah, Philadelphia shliach Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov was seen in conversation with director of Mitzvah Tanks in Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Dovid Nachshon, as community rov, Rabbi Yossi Garelik, looks on.
Montreal Youth Celebrate Yud Shevat with a Day of Connection
Boys of all ages at YTTL Montreal celebrated Yud Shvat with special rallies, farbrengens, and Avos Ubanim program, helping them develop a connection to the Rebbe and the special day on which the Rebbe became our Rebbe.
Shliach Leads NY State Senate Invocation for Yud Shvat
On Wednesday, ahead of Yud Shvat, Rabbi Mordechai Rubin, shliach in the Capital District of Upstate NY, delivered a special invocation at the New York State Senate, marking 75 years of the Rebbe’s leadership.
Levi Lived Life Fully as a Chossid and Shliach
“It was just a little over a month ago that I spoke with Levi in the days leading up to the passing of my Bubby. Rabbi Levi had visited her home to assist with vidui. When I asked him whether I should fly in, he responded with words that now echo in my heart: ‘Only Hashem knows the timing for everyone.'”
After Years of Seeking, a Weekly Chavrusah Made Things Click
From growing up secular to a Siyum in Lakewood, with countless explorations in psychology, art, and spirituality along the way, Meryl Nadell has spent a lifetime searching. At 85, through her JNet chavrusa and the wisdom of Tanya, she finally found the missing piece.
Live: The Grand Halikut Siyum and Chidon
Live at 4:00 PM: After months of dedicated study, nearly 400 bochurim are now taking their final test on the entire Chelek Chof of Lekutei Sichos, followed by a live Chidon and Grand Siyum.
Watch: When Will the Dead Actually Rise Up?
In the 30th episode of the “Classic Take” podcast from Merkos 302’s Tut Altz Podcast Network, Rabbi Sholom Zirkind explores the concept of techiyas hameisim and its practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life.
Magnificent Community Center Inaugurated in Mogilev, Belarus
With great splendor and pomp, a magnificent Jewish Community Center was inaugurated in Mogilev, Belarus. After two decades of activities and five years of construction, the long-awaited day was celebrated by excited rabbis, donors, and community members.
Panama Shluchim Farhered by RIETS Rosh Yeshiva
Talmidim Hashluchim of Kolel Torah Panama with their Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi MM Shuchat went to RIETS – Yeshiva University to Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Hershel Schachter who farhered the bochurim for close to two hours and was amazed by their knowledge.
Revolutionary Tool Will Help You Complete Likkutei Sichos
Have you ever tried learning the entire Likkutei Sichos, but couldn’t remember what you already covered? In honor of Yud Shvat 75 years, this user-friendly, beautifully designed spreadsheet will help you keep track of every sicha you learn.
Overflowing Mikvah: Is It Kosher?
Ask the Rov: The mikvah is full, and water overflows into the water channel during tevilah. Is that an issue? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
How One Hour a Week Can Change a Life
“One hour a week can change a life.” This is why the Rebbe turned the lights off in the beis Medrash of 770 on a Wednesday afternoon. It’s also why every Wednesday, you’ll see buses and Ubers pulling up on Eastern Parkway. It’s because of the powerful impact of the Released Time program.
Today: Double Siyum Sefer Torah for Anshei Lubavitch
A double Hachnosas Sefer Torah is scheduled to take place in Crown Heights on Sunday, 11 Shvat, as members of Anshei Lubavitch welcome two new Torahs into their newly renovated shul on Albany Ave.
Mrs. Chavi Goldberg, 69, AH
Mrs. Chavi Goldberg, the mother of a large Lubavitch family, who was a pillar of the Toronto community, and founded Cybersem for continued learning online, passed away on Shabbos, Yud Shvat.